Guillermo Calderon


Guillermo Calderon

Represented By

Rachel Taylor

Associate - Helena Clark

Playwright, screenwriter and director Guillermo Calderón was born in Santiago de Chile. After studying acting in Chile and film in New York, he founded a theater company and received worldwide recognition with their first production NEVA.

Since then, his productions have successfully toured to all major festivals in South America, Europe and North America. Calderón has written numerous commissioned plays, including for the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, Theater Basel, HAU Berlin, the Royal Court, London, Center Theater Group in Los Angeles and the Public Theater in NYC, most of whose productions he directed himself.

In the fall of 2017, his play "B" premiered at the Royal Court Theatre in London, directed by Sam Pritchard. With his group "Teatro en el blanco" he staged "Dragón" in 2020, a production that toured internationally. He wrote and directed his last production "BAVARIA" for the Residenztheater in Munich.

He was the screenwriter for "Neruda," directed by Pablo Larrain, which was presented at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. In 2022 he wrote and directed his first feature film "Maquillame Otra vez" for fabula in Mexico.