About Performance Rights

Under Copyright law no performance of a protected play may be given in any form (whether or not any admission charge is made) without prior written consent from the copyright owner or their accredited agent. Such consent must be obtained before rehearsals start.

You should check the rights status of any production before booking a performance venue and must hold a valid licence before starting rehearsals or issuing publicity.

Professional Enquiries

Provide details of your proposed production including comprehensive information on the creative team, planned performance dates, ticket prices and particulars of the venue including seating capacity.

Amateur Enquiries

To be classified as an amateur production all persons taking part must not be recognised professional actors.


Please note we no longer license MATILDA THE MUSICAL (IN 20 MINUTES).

However, Music Theatre International is now delighted to license MATILDA THE MUSICAL JR., a one-hour adaptation of the show designed specifically for schools and youth groups.

For further details visit MTI Shows

Sue Griffiths

Amateur Rights


Amateur Rights Application

Enquire or apply for amateur rights using this form

Download the form