Natalia Vorozhbit


Natalia Vorozhbit

Represented By

Rachel Taylor

Associate - Helena Clark

Natal’ia Vorozhbit was born in Kiev in the Ukraine and studied at the Moscow Literary Institute. Her plays Demons and Galka Motalka, have been staged in Moscow and at the National Theatre of Latvia. Galka Motalka has also been adapted for screen. The Khomenko Family Chronicles, a joint commission from the Royal Court Theatre, London and the BBC World Service, was first performed as a rehearsed reading as part of Small Talk: Big Picture at the Royal Court in 2006. The play went on to be staged as part of the Royal Court’s International Season in 2007, in a double bill with The Good Family by Joakim Pirinen.

Natal’lia’s play The Grain Store was commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company and staged at the Courtyard Theatre in Stratford in autumn 2009. Natal’ia’s play Galka Motalka was performed at the Royal Exchange in 2011 and her verbatim piece (co-created with director, Andrew Mai) Maidan: Voices From The Uprising was performed at the Royal Court Theatre in 2014. In 2015, Take The Rubbish Out, Sasha was produced by the National Theatre of Scotland as part of the A Play, A Pie and a Pint series and Natal’ia’s most recent play Bad Roads was staged at the Royal Court in 2017.