Peter Foott


Represented By

Abby Singer

Associate - CJ Rock

Assistant - Maya Marie

Peter Foott wrote, directed and produced the smash hit Irish movie THE YOUNG OFFENDERS which had the biggest opening weekend box office of an Irish movie in Ireland in 2016 – the film stayed in cinemas there for almost 6 months! It won a raft of awards including Best Film at the Galway Film Festival, Best Script, Best Director and Best Film at the LA Comedy Festival and Peter won Best Script at the Irish Film and Television Awards. The film is now on Netflix. The film was subsequently commissioned as a spin off series - Peter wrote and directed all episodes of the three series and Christmas special which were broadcast on BBC1 and iPlayer. It recently won two IFTA awards – including Best Director for Peter.

Peter is currently rewriting SPOOKED, a supernatural comedy for Disney+, which he is also attached to direct. On the television side, he is developing a comedy drama series, SUPER RECOGNISERS, with Liza Marshall/Hera Pictures and Sky.